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Putin’s Russia continues insistentlytest the world

Putin’s Russia continues insistently test the world. Itconstantly checks the boundaries of what is acceptable. If there is no proper reaction on its provocation, then it goes further. If, it suddenly, meets with resistance – it starts retreating.
For instance, the world reaction on Russian aggression in Azov sea is quite weak, that’s why Putin’s Russia is self-confident in this issue. It constantly enjoys the fact that the West accustomed to live in comfort became lazy and clumsy. In addition, the Western world has lost its ability to see threat from afar and measure itadequately. Europe begin to realize slowly that Kremlin is in condition of war not just with Ukraine, but also with collective West.
The situation is aggravated the fact that the “Kremlin elite”improperly believes that its state can exist merely in the form of Soviet Union. “Kremlin elite”complacent herself saying that the United States, refused the role of the world gendarme, but does not notice that United States is strengthening its role as a global leader, and in oil and gas procurement occupies 2 place (in the world). Moreover, the United States recently stated that they are ready to give an adequate answer in any way to any attempts to transform the current geopolitical order.
Objectively, it is clear that Russian economy (20-th world economy) cannot support the second army indefinitely. This obvious and hard-bitten objective is the fact of weakness that did not withstand the USSR, which had a far greater stock of safety than current Putin’ Russia.However, in the USSR decisions were nevertheless taken at the institutional level, at the political bureau, neither at the individual level in current Putin’s Russia. Such decision always results in a loss neither collective.Such mistaken strategy may be seemingly successful, but Hitler had at one time loss with it.As an example, Stalin, before accepting decisions nevertheless listened to other versions, though not always satisfactory to him.
The current Kremlin ceasing in its aggressive actions only in the face of the threat of great losses, when it’s hostile shows persistent perseverance and readiness to sacrifice itself in order to achieve victory. Therefore, our soldiers, successfully holding the external perimeter from aggression, and operate with their courage on the Kremlin extremely soberingly.
And for those, who believes that in Ukraine everything is bad, we strongly advise going to SADLR (Separate Areas of Donetsk and Lugansk regions) and see how wildly live occupied territories without Ukraine. Comparing is possible just with Venezuela. And all because the Kremlin's "grace" for export never reached above the level of Venezuela, Transnistria, South Ossetia, Abkhazia. Kremlin “grace” is the “grace” of aggressive poverty, squalor and degradation. In this regard, the “Russian world” is in many ways an otherworld, cemetery, and afterlife world. It is carried in corpses and carrionfor hundreds of miles of it.
Nowadayson the map of the former Soviet Union, there are two models of values ​​- the aggressive, totalitarian and destructive "Russian world" and the Ukrainian world, pro-European, democratic, and capableto protect himself.The monopoly of the “Russian world” on values ended with aggression against Ukraine. Testing Ukraine and Europe for durability, Putin's Russia, unwittingly, launched a blueprint of the Ukrainian world integrated into Europe.Moreover, nowadays we see something that in the Kremlin were so afraid ofuntil aggression – a betrayal of the previously weakened pro-Moscow elite in Ukraine, because of the aggression has become stronger and more resistant.


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