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The fact on open aggression against Ukraine

The aggressive actions of Putin’s Russia in the Kerch Strait, which happened on Sunday, November 25, 2018 are already the fact on open aggression against sovereign Ukraine. Now all kind of statements by false Kremlin senior officials, such like “they were not there”, won’t get by, because Russian aggression is a reality and there are six wounded Ukrainian sailors, two of them badly wounded. The aggressor seized two Ukrainian gunboats and one tugboat, which were sent to our ports on the Sea of ​​Azov, which is the common sea for Russia and Ukraine, according to a bilateral agreement. But the Kremlin rogues ignore international or bilateral treaties as usual. They do not give a damn about any agreements when they are interested to unleash aggression against one of their neighbors.
Obviously the Kremlin prepared to this aggression and was provoking it in every possible way. The aggression is unleashed by the Kremlin on the very days when preparations are underway in Kiev for the Unifying Council of the Ukrainian Orthodox churches to create the Ukrainian Local Orthodox Church, which will be independent from Russia. Ukraine’s gaining spiritual independence from the Russian aggressor led the latter into panic nervous shock and an uncontrollable psychological breakdown, which transform into the open aggression against Ukraine.
The Kremlin annexed the Crimea in boorish behavior and then illegally established its so-called border in its water area, and now it became more boorish and decided not to let the Ukrainian ships into the Sea of ​​Azov. This is the way how street thugs act, terrorizing the locals. The Kremlin senior officials have the same behavior, but shifted to international relations.
In Russia, the security services always started wars with provocations at the border or with the killing of foreign diplomats. And this time, the sea and air units of the FSB occurred in the center of aggression against Ukraine. It is clear that gangsters can’t change their bloody habits.
 The extremely false Russian propaganda worked promptly and loudly at the same time as the aggression against the Ukrainian ships happened. Kremlin pen-pushers and a whole detachment of hypocritical Russian officials blamed Ukraine during all Sunday and justified the Kremlin with its main international criminal in charge.
If the world community won’t respond to the Russian aggression properly, then the unpunished evil increases a hundred times. In this case, the large-scale war with hundreds of thousands of dead, and not only among Ukrainians, will begin. Does Europe want to see and feel another world war after so many years of comfortable life? It is to be recalled that the First, as well as the Second World War, one of its strategic goals had complete mastery of Ukraine, because only in this case the winner could claim the role of one of the world leaders. Putin now also dreams about it, and, unfortunately, some inexperienced European politicians obviously help him in this.
November 25, 2018 will go down in world history as the beginning of the open aggression of Putin’s Russia against Ukraine, but this day has every reason to become the day of the beginning of the death of the annoying Putin regime.
It is the international community who decide history!


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