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The enemies of Ukraine, both abroad and within the country, began to react painfully to the facts of an increasing the budget of the Ukrainian Institute of National Memory and the Ministry of Information Policy for 2019. Immediately started rampant accusations of Ukraine strengthening its propaganda, as if any state should not have the right to its constructive propaganda, to its word of truth. Critics of all stripes got used to the fact that Ukraine still had very weak propaganda, which enabled them to rule their own portion of lie in the sovereign Ukrainian informational space. Nevertheless, Ukraine awakened by the Kremlin's hybrid aggression, confidently gets up from its knees, shaking off all the parasites.
The enemies of Ukraine do not like the efficiently working Institute of National Memory, which they have been trying precisely for centuries, if not to erase at all, then to deform for their own ideological schemes, using their false and untruthful history. Now when the Ukrainian national memory is being revived, presenting loudly hidden by the enemies the inconvenient facts of the bloody and despicable struggle against the Ukrainian people in the past century, many ideological liars and their institutions are suffering a fiasco. All their historical schemes and ideologies are broken, using which the enemies of Ukraine were trying to keep the Ukrainian people in slavery, assuring them that they have no history of their own separate from the empire, just like no language of their own, but only a dialect. Especially they are frightened the process of obtaining tomos by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, which marks the real spiritual Independence of Ukraine.
There is no need to say, that since the day of its independence, Ukraine has no full sovereignty over its informational space, which its northern neighbor did not want to give for the Ukrainian state. The Ukrainian informational space was partially controlled by the Kremlin, and it was used against Ukraine for carrying out permanent subversive informational and psychological operations. Now, after creating the Ministry of Information Policy, it is more difficult for the Kremlin carry out subversive informational and psychological work. That’s why the adherents of the “Russian peace” are angry in their powerlessness trying to inflict tangible informational and psychological damage to Ukraine.
As an example, the Kerch tragedy, and false pro-Kremlin propagandists trying to put all the blame on imaginary Ukrainian saboteurs in order to cover up, at least somehow, their complete helplessness to tell the truth to their own nation. For some reason with two dozen dead people, all-Russian mourning was not announced, and Putin did not visited the place of tragedy, in order to insult the memory of dead people. As he stated before, firstly he decided to play hockey, and then visit the neighboring Central Asian state. You should agree that the behavior of the Kremlin leader in this tragedy is more than strange! Especially, if we take into account the fact that forensic experts and even some witnesses, agree that the attackers were much more than one mad shooter. Cause one sucker could not make such a bloody carnage.
But in this case, the Kremlin's false propaganda does not even mentioned a word about a number of actual inconsistencies. Just simply threw a shadow on a neighbor Ukraine.
FOR the wide fight against the Ukrainian word of truth, our enemies continue to lie blatantly and dodge, realizing with the horror that Ukraine stay firmly on its feet and they cannot defeat it.


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